Benzatina penicilina profilaxis en la erisipela recurrente.

Categoría Estudio primario
RevistaMedecine et Maladies Infectieuses
Año 1994
The exact place of prophylactic antimicrobial therapy in prevention of recurrent leg's erysipelas has not been determined. To evaluate efficacy and cost of antibioprophylaxis, 58 patients (34 women and 24 men), average 46.2 years, were randomly divided in 2 groups, during the period 1 January 1990 to 30 January 1993. The first group A (24 cases) received intramuscular benzathine penicillin, 1200000 UI every 15 days, the second group B (34 cases) received no prophylaxis for a similar period. The groups were not statistically different. 18 patients in group A and 26 patients in group B, completed follow up were evaluated. No patients in group A and 9 patients (34.6%) in group B relapsed after an average follow up time of 11.6 months. The main cost of treatment for one erysipela episode is 8.3 times higher than the calculated cost of prophylaxis for one year. Benzathine penicillin might be recommended in preventing attacks of recurrent leg's erysipelas.
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First added on: Apr 20, 2015