Triflusal in the treatment of patients with chronic peripheral arteriopathy: multicentre double-blind clinical study vs placebo.

Categoría Estudio primario
RevistaInternational journal of clinical pharmacology research
Año 1995
Many clinical trials have shown the effectiveness of platelet-antiaggregant drugs in the treatment of obliterative peripheral arteriopathy, both locally and in the system, by improving the claudication symptoms and by preventing major cardiovascular events. In this study we evaluated the effectiveness of a 24-week treatment with triflusal, a comparatively new inhibitor of platelet aggregation, in patients affected by chronic peripheral arteriopathy, comparing twice-daily oral doses of 300 mg triflusal with twice-daily placebo doses. The percentages of successes (defined as a 40% increase of total walking distance over the basal control) were 63.6% in the triflusal group (35/55 patients) and 22.5% in the placebo group (14/62 patients). Patients treated with triflusal showed a more important increase in total walking distance and in pain-free walking distance over the basal values than those treated with placebo, together with an improvement of the symptomatology correlated with claudication. Moreover, in the triflusal group there was an increase in the peak-flow recorded through strain-gauge plethysmography. In conclusion, triflusal significantly increased both the distance which could be walked and the clinical symptoms, presumably by improving microperfusion.
Epistemonikos ID: d656abd40b096c6d120388ad896f6e6f3434e818
First added on: Apr 25, 2012