Arteriographic findings in EDTA chelation therapy on peripheral arteriosclerosis.

Categoría Estudio primario
RevistaAmerican journal of surgery
Año 1991
In a randomized, double-blind, controlled study, 153 patients with claudication were each given either 20 infusions of Na2EDTA or 20 infusions of saline. Walking distances and ankle/brachial indices were measured before, during, and after treatment. In 30 patients, angiograms and transcutaneous oxygen tensions were obtained before, during, and after treatment. The patients' subjective evaluations of the effect of treatment were also recorded. It is concluded that EDTA chelation therapy has no effect in patients with intermittent claudication in the legs caused by arteriosclerosis.
Epistemonikos ID: bd5b5d3242a9d0f32edb9a25b7d2024ddb440b7d
First added on: Jan 27, 2013