Food for Mind - Intervention in the Treatment of Depression

Categoría Estudio primario
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Año 2017
Food for Mind -intervention group - topics of small group meetings 1. Getting to know each other and forming a group. 2. Overall quality of diet and meal rhythm, shifting thoughts to changing of wishes. 3. Nutrition and depression based on the evidence based studies 4. Mindful Eating - practical Food for Mind cooking class and eating meal together applying mindful eating 5. Food for Mind - getting to know a selection of Food for Mind -food items available in the grocery store. 6. Tools for the future: discovering and ensuring your own tools for success to put into action. Participants in the Food for Mind -intervention group will get for every group meeting optional home exercises consisting of observing their own food habits and bringing \"food for mind\" items on their meal plan. As a social support, participants can share their own experiences and findings via WhatsApp (Whats Application) messenger -mobile application. The WhatsApp messenger-mobile application is used during the intervention and ten months after it. The behavioral nutrition counselling is theory-based, i.e. solution focused theory (SFT) and self -determination theory. SFT places responsibility for change in the hands of subjects by using empowering language and recognizing them as skilled in matters of self-care. Subjects have strengths, resources, and coping skills that drive change while generating optimism and hope. Use of basic counseling skills, such as attending and listening, genuineness, empathy, positive regard and reflection, provide the foundation upon which SFT is practised.
Epistemonikos ID: a8754ca6eddf12f4ab580d743cb8e3213d482b66
First added on: May 22, 2024