Health effects of chronic noise exposure in pregnancy and childhood: a systematic review initiated by ENRIECO.

Categoría Revisión sistemática
RevistaInternational journal of hygiene and environmental health
Año 2013
BACKGROUND: Chronic noise is an environmental pollutant and well-known to cause annoyance and sleep disturbance. Its association with clinical and subclinical adverse health effects has been discussed. OBJECTIVES: This systematic review aimed to examine associations between chronic noise exposure during pregnancy or childhood and health outcomes in early and late childhood. METHODS: Following a systematic electronic literature search (MEDLINE, EMBASE), an additional hand search and a critical evaluation of potential articles by 2 independent reviewers, 29 studies were included: 12 on pregnancy/birth outcomes with samples ranging from 115 to 22,761 and 17 on cardiovascular and immune-mediated health outcomes in childhood with samples ranging from 43 to 1542. Evidence levels (3 to 2++) were rated according to the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network. RESULTS: Chronic noise exposure during pregnancy was not associated with birth weight, preterm birth, congenital anomalies, perinatal and neonatal death based on 6 cohort, 4 case-control, and 2 cross-sectional studies (highest evidence level 2+). There was some evidence supporting an association of chronic noise exposure with increased systolic blood pressure and stress hormone levels in urine and saliva in children evaluating 2 cohort and 15 cross-sectional studies (highest evidence level 2-). CONCLUSIONS: There seemed to be no associations between chronic noise and pregnancy outcomes based on studies with evidence levels up to 2+. Associations between chronic noise and health in children were based mainly on cross-sectional studies. However, the studies included in this comprehensive systematic review showed a high variation in study design, outcome, exposure and confounder assessments.
Epistemonikos ID: 8a8bb46960f765881c2fc4691ff8d7da832a164f
First added on: Sep 08, 2013