The Clinical and Biological Effects of Leucocyte and Platelet-rich Fibrin (L-PRF) on Post-extraction Sockets Healing

Categoría Estudio primario
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Año 2019
Tooth extraction is one of the most frequent dental surgical procedures. Following tooth extraction, dimensional changes of the alveolus are inevitable, which consequently decrease the height and width of alveolar bone and impair ideal implant placement and conventional prosthetic treatment. In order to reduce the bone resorption after tooth extraction, the use of platelet concentrates has been proposed. Platelet rich fibrin (PRF) is a second generation of platelet concentrates consisting of platelets, leukocyte and growth factors harvested from blood. PRF not only supports hemostasis but also favors the natural wound healing process. Over the past decade, PRF has gained tremendous momentum having been utilized for a variety of dental and medical procedures including the management of post-extraction sockets. To date, several studies have assessed the efficacy of the use of PRF in promoting postextraction sockets healing. However, results remain contradictory and mainly focus on the clinical and radiological hard and soft tissue healing, aesthetics and postoperative discomfort. The mechanistic hypothesis is that growth factors released by PRF preparations modulate the wound healing process but the effect of local PRF application on the kinetics of release of wound healing modulators has not been studied so far. There is also a lack of information in the literature regarding the biological evaluation during postextraction sockets healing to understand the potential mechanisms. In order to assess the presence or follow dynamics of biomarkers, in this study wound fluid (WF) will be collected from the post-extraction sockets and utilized for multiplex immunoassay. Multiplex immunoassay allows simultaneous quantification of multiple markers providing unique information for a more complete understanding of the potential mechanism of PRF and spontaneous extraction socket healing. Therefore, the aim of this randomized clinical trial is to evaluate the effects of PRF on biomarkers response during post-extraction sockets healing.
Epistemonikos ID: 70caeebec16ed46dec967b6641cba5c4a07657fd
First added on: May 22, 2024