El tratamiento secuencial con inhibidores de BRAF y ipilimumab en pacientes con melanoma metastásico: datos de la cohorte italiana del ipilimumab programa de acceso expandido.

Categoría Estudio primario
RevistaCancer investigation
Año 2014
Of 93 patients with pretreated, BRAF(V600) mutation-positive advanced melanoma who received vemurafenib or dabrafenib before (n = 45) or after (n = 48) treatment with ipilimumab 3 mg/kg, median overall survival (mOS) from first treatment was 9.9 and 14.5 months, respectively. Among patients treated with a BRAF inhibitor first, mOS from the end of BRAF inhibition was 1.2 months for those who did not complete ipilimumab treatment as per protocol, compared with 12.7 months for those who did (p < .001). Prospective, randomized studies are required to determine the optimal sequencing of ipilimumab and BRAF inhibitors in patients with BRAF-mutated metastatic melanoma.
Epistemonikos ID: 6e6b68157a1107b67713489e769bbf7e1f0e5f08
First added on: Dec 04, 2015