Botulismo infantil: comunicación de un caso y revisión del tema

Categoría Revisión sistemática
RevistaRev. chil. pediatr
Año 2008
Background: Infant botulism is a rare and potentially lethal neurological disease produced by the ingestion of a neurotoxin secreted by Clostridium botulinum, causing diffuse paralysis. Objective: Describe the first case in Chile since the establishment of an obligatory report and describe the diagnosis, clinical presentation and outcome. Case-report: A 2 months-old male with 48 hours of poor feeding and swallowing, weak cry, listlessness and constipation. He was admitted for hospitalization with probable sepsis and required tracheotomy due to apnea with failed endotracheal intubation, requiring mechanical ventilation for 150 days and hospitalization during 180 days. The diagnosis was confirmed by isolating Clostridium botulinum toxin from stool. Conclusion: The diagnosis of infant botulism requires a high suspicion index and the treatment includes intensive care monitorization with general support.
Epistemonikos ID: 05e3d4e1c0fff073d8760e5bb2db9f96ac0ab0f5
First added on: Apr 27, 2019