Bruxismo nocturno y síndrome de dolor miofascial

Categoría Síntesis amplia
RevistaRev. ADM
Año 2020
Bruxism is an initiating and coadjuvant factor of temporomandibular disorders, including myofascial pain syndrome. However, in the various studies conducted in the scientific literature, there is a lack of consistency in diagnostic methods, the classification of bruxism, or temporomandibular disorders, which has prevented to ensure that there are a cause and effect relationship between bruxism and the different temporomandibular disorders. To try to clarify the relationship between bruxism and myofascial pain syndrome, a systematic review of the literature was carried out on studies that have sought an association about these two conditions. Studies that have found a causal relationship between nocturnal bruxism and myofascial pain have used variable diagnostic methods, relying mainly on surveys, which has limited the possibility of reaching firm conclusions; while those who used objective methods, such as polysomnography, have not found a conclusive causal relationship (AU)
Epistemonikos ID: 03af1d3d76a1c1ea1fab463b2089b1038a2dadd6
First added on: Dec 08, 2020