Categorie Systematic review
TijdschriftAllergy and asthma proceedings : the official journal of regional and state allergy societies
Year 2008
Asthma affects 20 million Americans and causes a substantial loss of productivity. Medications help to increase symptom-free days and improve quality of life. Examining the cost-effectiveness of different treatments, in addition to their clinical efficacy, allows us to choose the optimal strategy in managing patients. This study reviews published pharmacoeconomic analyses of different medications used for asthma management, with a focus on medications available in the United States. English language, peer-reviewed articles, or abstracts were identified from MEDLINE and Current Contents databases (both 1966 to March 1, 2006) using the search terms asthma, pharmacoeconomics, cost-effectiveness, steroids, beta(2)-agonists, cromolyn, methylxanthines, leukotriene receptor antagonists, and omalizumab. Citations from available articles were reviewed also for additional references. Pharmacoeconomic analysis from a payer's perspective has shown that salmeterol/fluticasone is a cost-effective treatment option for moderate persistent asthma management, when compared with fluticasone with or without the addition of leukotriene modifiers. Leukotriene modifiers are less cost-effective than inhaled corticosteroids or combined inhaled steroids and long-acting beta(2)-agonists for mild or moderate persistent asthma. Anti-IgE antibody has been shown inconsistently, to be cost-effective in patients with moderate to severe allergic asthma. Although the acquisition cost of levalbuterol is higher, one study showed that it may be more cost-effective than albuterol after taking into account reduction in hospitalizations. Cost-effectiveness analyses and clinical efficacy of medications, together with other patient-specific factors, are important information to be considered when selecting treatment regimens for asthma. Future economic analysis should focus on finding better ways to evaluate productivity lost due to asthma, in addition to hospitalization.
Epistemonikos ID: cc06851e37904bc097f5a383f32b0ac7ff8c10ec
First added on: Jul 07, 2016