Laparoscopic splenorenal venous bypass for nutcracker syndrome.

Categoria Primary study
GiornaleJournal of vascular surgery
Year 2009
Nutcracker syndrome is a rare entity caused by extrinsic compression on the left renal vein as it crosses between the superior mesenteric artery and the aorta. It can clinically present with flank pain and hematuria. Accepted treatments include open vascular bypass procedures or endoluminal stenting. We present the first description, to our knowledge, of a laparoscopic splenic vein-left renal vein bypass to relieve the outflow obstruction. The patient, a 29-year-old woman with debilitating left flank pain, presented with nutcracker syndrome. Left renal vein outflow was obstructed at the level of the intersection between the aorta and the superior mesenteric artery. The option of laparoscopic splenic to left renal vein bypass was discussed and performed. A five-port transperitoneal approach was used. Meticulous vascular control was achieved with numerous laparoscopic vascular bulldog clamps. With completely intracorporeal suturing techniques, the splenic vein was anastomosed to the superior aspect of the anterior left renal vein. Total warm ischemia time was 37 minutes. The anastomosis was watertight immediately upon unclamping. Interestingly, upon unclamping, the luminal diameter of the splenic vein appeared to increase to twice its native diameter. The proximal left renal vein appeared less distended, indicating preferential venous outflow through the newly created venous bypass. Blood loss was minimal, no intraoperative or postoperative complications occurred, and the patient's symptoms improved. This report continues to augment the indications for laparoscopic surgery in even complex, urologic vascular situations.
Epistemonikos ID: bac4e4ac1ad81c8608d951ebdef6d5abb66847c5
First added on: Apr 17, 2015