Ovarian teratoma-associated anti-NMDAR encephalitis: a systematic review of reported cases.

Categoria Systematic review
GiornaleOrphanet journal of rare diseases
Year 2014
The association of ovarian teratoma and anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) encephalitis is a serious and potentially fatal pathology that occurs in young women and that is under-recognized. Our objectives were to analyze prevalence and outcome of this association, and increase awareness over this pathology. MEDLINE and SCOPUS for all studies published prior to November 30, 2013 including the search terms: "encephalitis" and "teratoma" were considered. All articles (119) reporting one or more cases of anti-NMDAR encephalitis and confirmed ovarian teratoma (174 cases) were included. No language restrictions were applied. Suspicious cases with no evidence of ovarian teratoma (n = 40) and another type of encephalitis also associated to ovarian teratoma (n = 20) were also considered for comparison and discussion. Data of publication and case report, surgery and outcome were collected. The distribution of published cases is heterogeneous among different countries and continents, probably in relation with level of development and health care. The mean patient age is 24 years and in the majority of cases (74%), a mature teratoma was identified, sometimes microscopically following ovarian removal or at autopsy. The clinical presentation featured psychiatric symptoms and behavioural changes, with a median delay for surgery of 28 days. Twelve women died (7%), most frequently from encephalitis-related complications. In conclusion, the association ovarian teratoma and anti-NMDAR encephalitis is relatively unknown or not reported in many countries and among gynecologists. Heightened recognition of behavioral changes, diagnosis through transvaginal ultrasound and subsequent tumor removal in addition to diagnostic confirmation through the presence of anti-NMDAR antibodies must be emphasized.
Epistemonikos ID: 870792ed3c00f42527b632700fb1f23fa4f36d62
First added on: Oct 16, 2014