UNRWA's role in promoting health outcomes of Palestinian refugees in Jordan: A systematic literature review.

Category Systematic review
JournalPublic health nursing (Boston, Mass.)
Year 2021
INTRODUCTION: The mandate of the United Nations Relief and Work Agency in the Near East (UNRWA) includes education and health services of registered Palestinian refugees in Jordan and other countries. UNRWA is facing limited funding because of unstable political circumstances. This review aims to spotlight the importance of UNRWA's role in promoting Palestinian refugees' health inside and outside camps in Jordan. METHOD: This systematic review was conducted through iteratively searching electronic research databases for original, recent, full-text literature regarding the health and social outcomes of Palestinian refugees in Jordan. RESULTS: The 12 reviewed studies showed that UNRWA's programs through its clinics and schools have a crucial role in improving Palestinian refugees' health outcomes such as adolescents' cigarette smoking prevalence, infant mortality, non-communicable disease management, health-related quality of life, mental/psychological health services, and reproductive health. Access to UNRWA's health services may account for better or comparable health outcomes among Palestinian refugees. CONCLUSION: Despite the short funding and political pressures, UNRWA has provided aid and services to Palestinian refugees inside and outside refugee camps in Jordan. UNRWA's role is crucial in maintaining decent health outcomes in this vulnerable, underserved population. The further limiting of UNRWA funding may jeopardize the health of millions.
Epistemonikos ID: 65b04eedbe66817cfdbef91ec3caf6801f9a714c
First added on: Mar 17, 2021