Recommendations for prevention and management of children with neuromuscular disorders during the epidemic period of corona virus disease (COVID-19)

Machine translation Machine translation
Category Broad synthesis / Guideline
JournalChinese Journal of Applied Clinical Pediatrics
Year 2020
my country's new coronavirus pneumonia (Corona Virus Disease, COVID-19) is still ongoing. Existing epidemiology shows that the population is generally susceptible to 2019 novel coronavirus (2019 novel coronavirus, 2019-nCoV), and patients with underlying diseases or over 60 years of age are at high risk for severe COVID-19 cases. For rare diseases, especially for children with neuromuscular diseases that are susceptible to respiratory infections and are easily exacerbated, and even life-threatening, more attention is needed to strengthen protection and home rehabilitation. Therefore, the Endocrine Genetic Metabolism Group of the Pediatrics Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, the Neurology Group of the Pediatrics Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, the Rehabilitation Group of the Pediatrics Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, and the editorial board of the Chinese Journal of Practical Pediatrics Muscular disease-spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) as an example, according to the relevant disease diagnosis and treatment plan issued by the National Health Commission and the consensus of SMA multidisciplinary management experts, combined with the clinical characteristics of COVID-19 in children, the SMA was developed The representative recommendations for the prevention and control of COVID-19 in children with neuromuscular diseases and expert advice on rehabilitation training and medication guidance during the epidemic are to guide the diagnosis and treatment of children with neuromuscular diseases with COVID-19, as well as home management and rehabilitation.
Epistemonikos ID: 354f1c94ba9a12240fbea67c38491c8f79079663
First added on: Aug 13, 2020
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