البايفوسفونيت في الوقاية والعلاج من مرض هشاشة العظام الناجم عن جلايكورتيكود

Category Structured summary of systematic reviews
JournalDatabase of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE)
Year 2002
CRD COMMENTARY: The review question was stated clearly and was supported by the study inclusion criteria. The literature search was adequate, although only English language publications appear to have been included, and no search dates were provided. A formal quality assessment of the included studies was undertaken using a published instrument. Details of the included studies were adequately presented in tabular format and were discussed in the text. However, some potentially important data were not reported, such as the baseline BMD of the participants. It is unclear why the studies were not combined statistically. Some details of the review process were not reported, such as how the data were extracted, or how many of the reviewers performed the data extraction. The extent to which bias played a role in the review is, therefore, unknown. The authors' conclusion that 'bisphosphonates significantly increased BMD in patients at risk for corticosteroid-induced bone loss' appears unjustified. Specifically, whilst there appeared to be evidence that bisphosphonates significantly increased BMD in the lumbar spine, there was little evidence for this effect in the femoral trochanter, and even less for the femoral neck.
Epistemonikos ID: 153135a1bcaa3b9e936e557f12992a0ec827cc88
First added on: Jan 04, 2012