Myopia prediction: a systematic review.

Categoría Revisión sistemática
RevistaEye (London, England)
Año 2021
Myopia is a leading cause of visual impairment and has raised significant international concern in recent decades with rapidly increasing prevalence and incidence worldwide. Accurate prediction of future myopia risk could help identify high-risk children for early targeted intervention to delay myopia onset or slow myopia progression. Researchers have built and assessed various myopia prediction models based on different datasets, including baseline refraction or biometric data, lifestyle data, genetic data, and data integration. Here, we summarize all related work published in the past 30 years and provide a comprehensive review of myopia prediction methods, datasets, and performance, which could serve as a useful reference and valuable guideline for future research.
Epistemonikos ID: 80a1c720cd2a5317a6ccfa15f3af074e52ed4b8e
First added on: Oct 15, 2021