Systematic Evaluation of the Effect of Ear Crypt on Reducing Myopia in

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Categoría Revisión sistemática
Año 2017
Objective: Evaluate the effectiveness and safety of ear pressure in adolescent myopia using a systematic evaluation methodology. Provide evidence for the clinical application of ear pressure in the treatment of adolescent myopia. Method: Comprehensive retrieval of the full text database of Chinese journals (CNKI), based on the development of strict criteria for inclusion and exclusion. Database, Chongqing Wip Science and Technology Journal Database, and to conduct rigorous screening of literature. Based on a rigorous qualitative evaluation of the included literature using the “bias risk assessment” tool provided by Cochrane Handbook 5.0, qualitative and quantitative analysis using the Review Manager5.3 software. Results: A total of 286 literature were retrieved and included in 9 standard studies, 1 study quality rating was C and the remaining 8 were B. Of these, 2 were comparative studies of ear pressure and acerbic treatment, effective rate: M-H OR was 1.44,95% CI [0.84,2.47], P=0.18 ± 0.05; 3 Comparison of ear pressure and eye care Study, Efficiency: M-H OR is 3.26,95% CI [1.81,5.88], P≈ 0.0001; 4 Comparative study of ear vent pressure and eye drops, Efficiency: M-H OR is 5.18,95% CI [2.12,12.64], P=0.0003 → 0.05. Conclusion: Ear crypt allergy. Sticker Compression reduction adolescent myopia is better than eye drops and drops, may be superior to eye health care, but it is not possible to conclude better than needling treatment. More high-quality RCT studies are needed in the future.
Epistemonikos ID: 56795b79f75d7b55f805fddbb97bd14dd8fc1106
First added on: Aug 10, 2020
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