Controlled study of the impact of educational home visits by pharmacists to high-risk older patients.

Categoría Estudio primario
RevistaJournal of community health
Año 1990
Lack of information about medications coupled with high rates of utilization complicates compliance with medication regimens and increases the risk of adverse effects among older adults. We undertook a study of the efficacy of community-based interventions by pharmacists in a randomly-allocated one-half of a sample of 284 older adults considered to be at high risk for medication-related problems. Information and attitudes towards prescription and over-the-counter medications did not differ significantly between the intervention and comparison groups, either before or after the pharmacist interventions. However, visits to physicians were significantly less in the intervention group, suggesting an important if unexpected impact on health-related behavior.
Epistemonikos ID: 2e243e44f3977e1102757d0316bde45f0940aef8
First added on: Feb 08, 2012