Medias de compresión graduada para la prevención de la tromboembolia venosa profunda-sis

Categoría Síntesis amplia / Revisión panorámica de revisiones sistemáticas
ReporteRapport fra Kunnskapssenteret nr. 28 – 2008. ISBN 978-82-8121-227-5 ISSN 1890-1298
Año 2009
Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services has on request from Lovisenberg Diakonale Hospital reviewed the scientific evidence on the effect of graduated compression stockings (GCS) for prevention of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) among surgical and medical patients in hospitals. Systematic literature search was carried out in relevant medical databases. We included tree systematic reviews. The systematic reviews had moderately to high methodological quality. The evidence indicates that GCS prevents the formation of DVT among surgical patients, both alone and on a background of other prophylactic methods. It seems that knee length GCS is as effective in prevention of DVT as thigh length GCS. The evidence of GCS for prevention of DVT is less conclusive regarding medical patients. Use of GCS also prevents development of post thrombotic syndrome, i.e. a condition that can occur after DVT. Further research is necessary to identify which compression graduate is more effective and duration of time that GCS should be worn to prevent DVT.
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First added on: May 10, 2016