Peri-operative low dose ketamine to reduce postoperative morphine consumption

Machine translation Machine translation
Category Primary study
Journal第四军医大学学报 (Journal of the Fourth Military Medical University)
Year 2004
1 clinical data of 32 patients with general anesthesia ASAⅠ ~ grade Ⅲ, aged 20 to 62 years old, no liver and central nervous system disorders, neurological disorders, diabetes, drug addiction and coronary heart disease were randomly divided into 16 cases of ketamine group K the control group C 16 cases. All patients burglary 45 ~ 60 min oral midazolam 7.5 mg, intravenous lines connected to micro-pump. K group micropump 1 g / L ketamine, saline group C, are 50 mL, all after the patients were given 0.1 mL / kg per minute continuous infusion of 0.002 mL / kg. intraoperative iv propofol 2 mg / kg, fentanyl 2 μg / kg, vecuronium 0.1 mg / kg, a good analgesic muscle relaxant tracheal intubation. 10% of intraoperative blood pressure or heart rate exceeds the base value, subject to morphine 50 μg / kg. stop pump drugs into the skin suture.
Epistemonikos ID: 75512ea25aa31c73d70de9c4153f1a66b24d4cda
First added on: Jul 05, 2016
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