The effect of touching on healthy infants' weight

Machine translation Machine translation
Category Primary study
Journal淮海医药 (Journal of Huaihai Medicine)
Year 2005
OBJECTIVE: To observe the impact of touch on the normal birth weight. Johnson & Johnson (China) Co., Ltd. to provide international general massage, massage from birth after 4 h, 1 or 2 times a day, each time 15 2 0 min. And the control group were compared. The results of the touching group and the control group is born d weight of the weight and 2, respectively (330 ± 9.5 74 .2) g (32 6 1.0 ± 73.4) g and (5 6 0 3.5 ± 19.7) g (5 5 4 6 .0 ± 180 .3) g. CONCLUSION: massage method is simple, easy, and it helps mothers and newborns to establish a close integration of the parent-child relationship, to promote the growth and development of the newborn has a positive meaning
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First added on: May 12, 2013
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